Sunday, August 12, 2007

Great, *Great* Aunts and Uncles, Go Giants and More!

Dominic got to meet his great, great Uncle Darius and Auntie Ruby last weekend at a bbq at Tutu and Grandpa's house. His cousins Darren and Nicki (sp?) and their sons Nathan and Zachary also joined us in this mini family reunion.

It was so cool to see so many generations under one roof and to see all of those boy cousins together! Here are some pictures from that day--most of them action shots (that's code for 'Andrea can't really take pictures').

Uncle Darius and Aunt Ruby with Little D.

This is a picture of Tutu with beautiful cousin Zach. This was a special day for Tutu because she got to meet Zach for the first time and because she remembers when Darren used to crawl around her house at that age!

Here is cousin Nicky with sweet Nathan. As you can see in the next photo with his Dad, he loved playing and being thrown in the air. We all had a little glimpse of what Dominic might be like in a few years!

Mom with a sleeping baby.

We also took Dominic to the Giants game yesterday. It happened to be "Snoppy Bobble Head" day so he got a special little something to commemorate his first baseball game. Here are a few pictures of us at the Stadium with our new little Giants fan!

Ok, so, in this picture, Dominic looks like he's a little unhappy being posed in the Giants gear--the kid BETTER not secretly be a Dodger's fan!