Saturday, April 26, 2008

How old are you? Oooonnnneeee

We've probably been driving Dominic crazy with all of our badgering about his upcoming birthday. At least 50 times I day, I ask him "HOW OLD ARE YOU?" He never answers me (although he does sometimes laugh), so I am forced to answer with an emphatic "OOONNEEEE!" You can sort of tell he wants to roll his eyes and I'm sure he would if he knew how.

Speaking of his upcoming birthday, Derek and I have definitely been reflecting about the past year. We went to the beach with Dominic a few weeks back and it reminded us of the trip we'd taken there with him just after he was born. What a difference a year makes!

And speaking of the beach (aren't I fantastic at these transitions?), we're getting Dominic all psyched up to go to Hawaii at the end of June. Here he is in his new sun hat...which is pretty much hates.

Lastly, I hope the Hallidays won't mind but I gave Dominic part of his birthday present from them--the water table below--a few days early. It was pretty hot here today and we thought it was a perfect day to try it out. Dominic was totally soaked in 30 seconds and absolutely loved it. It's the longest I've ever actually seen him stand.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Rollin', rollin', rollin....

Like Craig and Jackson before him, Dominic loves trucks. My mom bought him this riding truck at Christmas and while he's still just a tad too small to propel himself very far, he does all he can to inch himself forward. He even makes a driving/engine sound that we have no idea where he learned.

In general, Dominic really doesn't seem to care much about standing or walking. However, it's amazing what he can do when he's motivated. He loves standing up in his crib and yelling "mamamamamamamaaaaaammmmmMMMAAAA" over and over again. Even if you are standing right there and about to get him. He also loves trying to get the Gatorade out of Derek's Camelbak and he pulled himself up in record time the other day when Derek left it on the table. He also stood for a really long time trying to work at getting it.

This is a picture of Dominic playing with our friend's baby, Ryann, who was born only three days after Dominic. She is the absolute model of sweetness.

This last picture is Dominic's answer to "Where is your ear??" He's starting to learn lots of new words including (of course) "truck", "Monkey", and apple." Also, a lot of times if you ask him if he wants to do something he says "Yeeeaaaaaaahhhh." I'm 99% certain he doesn't know what it means and (again), we're not sure where he picked it up. But, we're glad he's agreeable to doing things we were probably gonna make him do anyway.