The party was given to him by his Tutu and Grandpa and I have to say, there were an impressive number of people there and he really handled all the attention pretty well. And by well, I mostly mean that he didn't cry, have a meltdown, or give people dirty looks. Yeah, I like to set the bar low...

While Dominic has not quite taken his first steps yet, he does use his little truck to cruise all over the house. Ok, so for those of you that have been to our house, you know that to get from one end to another takes about 6 baby steps but still--we're impressed. Especially when he holds on with one hand and sucks his thumb the whole time. Show off.

Derek and I also took Dominic on his first visit to the zoo today--which included his first ride on a carousel. He loved it. It was pretty fun trying to get him to pay attention to the 300lb gorillas that were like 15 feet away when all he cared about were the giant exercise balls in their pen.
Me: "Look, Dominic, g-o-r-i-l-l-a.."
Dominic: "Balllll. Ball. Baaaalll."
Me: "Yes, ball. Hey, look, Dominic, do you see the big gorilla, what's he doing?"
Dominic: "Ball. Ball. Baaaaalll. Ball."
(and on and on)

There is probably some way I can talk about Arie, Jaime, and Jackson's recent visit in terms of more "firsts" but it would be a stretch. So, I'll ditch the theme and say, simply, that they were here and it was absolutely fantastic to see them and hang out for an afternoon together.

Jackson and Dominic played in their wagon and, although I didn't post a picture, they spent at least an hour playing with the water table that Aunt Stef, Uncle Pete, Craig and Anna bought us for Dominic's birthday.
Jackson is an absolute cutie and Dominic is already following in his footsteps by sharing his love of trucks and cars.
There are lots of days I ask myself why I live so far away from my family. That was one of those days.

This last picture of Dominic & Derek is one of my recent favorites.