Here is the conversation I had with Dominic at dinner on Wednesday:
Me: Dominic, what happened at daycare today?
Dominic: Eric's balloon POPPED out!!
Me: It popped?
Dominic: It popped OUT!
Me: What color was it?
Dominic: Black....Red.
Me: How did it pop?
Dominic: It popped on the grass....it popped on the slide.
Me: What happened after it popped?
Dominic: Ms. Kim take it and put it in the garbage can.
These are the kinds of conversations you can have with Dominic now. It turns out that he's actually a pretty good source of information. His daycare provider, Kim, told me that there were actually 2 balloons that had popped, (one black, one red) and that one had popped on the grass--the other on the slide. The other day, Dominic fell down and told us "
Owww...my ankle!" While I miss the sweet baby sometimes, it is SO nice to be able to talk to him and communicate.

The top picture is of Dominic in a coat that used to be Craig's. He loves it so much and calls it "
Craigy's coat" and begs to wear it.

Like most kids, I guess, Dominic loves to draw. He'll draw something that looks like a D and an O if you ask him to. He's also getting into play-
doh now, although he mostly just wants to make snowmen--go figure.

Unfortunately, Dominic has not outgrown his little sock fetish. He's pretty particular about the whole thing, too. He only likes the socks that have a little rubberized portion on their bottom and he's constantly
obsesses with getting new ones. We thought we dodged the whole pacifier thing but it turns out he'll wake up in the night calling for "socks" if he can't find any in his crib. I will be very glad when this stage is O