1) Ride his bike with no training wheels (no pedals either but he's got balancing down!)
2) Spell his name ("D-o-m-i-n-i-c, that's spells Dominic, that's me")
3) Tell you that Pelosi is Speaker of the House and that Lincoln in on a $5 bill
4) Throw the kind of monster tantrums that only 2-year olds can throw
Below are some recent pictures of him--one in the new house, one opening up his Sushi set from Gramma Gayle, one with his Mickey Mouse ears (he hasn't been yet, they were a gift) and one just hanging out with his sandals and sunglasses.

And here, of course, are some pictures of the new house--including the bathroom which, as you can see, is being completely redone with much (MUCH!) help from Derek's friend Mike (previously featured on this blog as "Apple Mike"). Dominic is adjusting well to the new place and loves having a big back yard to tear around in. There's still a lot to do but we've really settled in.