Thursday, November 29, 2007

Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Dominic....

Frankly, I find it a little ridiculous of us that we think that putting reindeer antlers on our kid is *SO* funny. But, for whatever reason, we do. I guess we don't get out much. Anyway, Dominic's friends at daycare made him his very own set of antlers and Derek and I have been amusing ourselves with them ever since.

Dominic has also really gotten into balloons over the past few weeks--he just goes crazy for them...He's constantly trying to bite at them though, and we're trying to avoid having one pop right in his face so we bought him this ball instead. He really loves it and laughs a lot when he plays with it.

Here are some other pictures from the past several weeks--one of us hiking with Derek, one of Dominic playing with his Dad and harassing his grandfather and one of him fast asleep in his bike trailer. Derek and I really do have ridiculous amounts of fun playing with him and being his parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the antlers!!!