Sunday, May 20, 2007

Grandma Gayle Meets Dominic

Dominic got a special treat this week--he got to meet his Grandma Gayle for the very first time. Since she's gotten here, he's been on his very best behavior, sleeping well through the night and playing happily with Mom and Dad. With Grandma's help, we've been able to get out a good bit this week and it's been great for all of us.

Today, Dominic has his very first musuem visit. We took him to the SFMOMA to see the Picasso exhibit. As usual (not to beat this particular dead horse), Dominic rejected our attempts at cultural exposure and slept through the whole trip. Grandma and I narrated the experience for him, though, so maybe some of it penetrated...Here's a picture of the kid himself, in his most common state....(p.s. both of these pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.)