Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New Tricks

Dominic has been developing (and perfecting) some new tricks over the past couple of weeks. We cannot believe how much he changes every day...it's amazing. People who have kids always tell you that but you just can't fully appreciate it until you watch it firsthand. All of a sudden, he'll get some new habit or trick and then he'll do it *ALL* the time, almost as if he's practicing it.

Here is a picture of Dominic smiling...which he does almost every time you pick him up and talk to him. Each day, we have a routine where he will sit with Derek or I and imitate the noises we make (as if talking). And then, he will just smile and smile and smile. No matter how many times he does it, Derek and I still feel compelled to say "Honey, look at him...LOOK, he's smiling!!" It's really quite ridiculous given how often he does it but we can't seem to stop pointing it out to each other. I guess what I am saying is that seeing your kid happy and smiling is such a cool thing and Derek and I are not over it yet!

As the above photo shows, Dominic has also been learning to suck his thumb. He can't find it all the time but he's getting much better at it. It's sort of hilarious to see him try to find it too--he pokes himself in the face about 50 times before he finds his mouth. But once he finds it, boy...he does not let go! And, this is pretty exciting because he LOVES his pacifier and well...we don't so much. So, this is a good substitute.

The last "trick" he has is holding his head up pretty well. This is a picture of him being buddies with his Dad. I really like to limit the cheese factor (or at least blame it on hormones) but I mostly walk around and wonder how I got lucky enough to have 2 boys as cute as this in my family!!

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